Thursday, March 23, 2006

Grim but gripping

When you don't get out much, you might choose to spend the time you do have escaping from the children in a traditional fashion: drinking wildly, eating too much, dancing possibly and laughing with your mates....or you might do what we did.
Yes, Irish tinker family comes to England for fights with locals. Dada leads the way but skips the actual blood spilling, eldest son tries to show younger brother that there is another way but ends up bottling him instead. Pretty grim stuff but it was gripping and apart from a few dodgy accents and a single female role who seemed to do nothing but shout, it was very convincingly scripted and acted. Much thanks to Jonny and Mandy who did make seem like a bit more of a jolly night out by a) having some money to stand a round at the interval and b) having a giggle in St Ann's Square before we rushed back to release the lovely Camille who had womanfully wrestled all three of our infants into their beds. Can we really allow her to go back to Oz in November?? Posted by Picasa

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