Friday, April 21, 2006

"Parents on the spot" #4

Dominic seems to be on a bit of a roll at the moment so here are four little questions that might amuse:

Question 1 (sensible, observation based, good question):
"Mummy, why don't they have seatbelts on buses?"

Question 2 (oh my God, you are only 4 for heaven's sake):
"Why do we have to pay for things in shops, why can't we just steal them?"

Question 3 (leading on from Question 2):
"Does Santa steal things that he can't make in his workshop? He can't go in and pay because no-one can see him."

And finally, Question 4 (this one to Chris. Please use your imagination to supply the conversation that led up to it):
"But Dad, what is "sarcastic"?"

We await your comments..... Posted by Picasa


A said...

1. They do on some of them.

2. We have to pay because if we didn't, then people would stop putting things in shops at all.

3. Santa can make anything in his workshop, so why would he want to steal?

4. Not touching that one, sorry.

Kate said...

Not bad answers, Alan, but answer one would only get you into a Dominic interrogation situation about the whys and wherefores of different buses meriting seatbelts and how fair or otherwise he thought that. Also, number three won't do as I've already had to tell him that Santa can't make everything and anything to counteract him asking for things that are simply not available except in his imagination! Still two out of four ain't bad. I might give him your phone number.

A said...

So you fibbed to your firstborn! Santa CAN make anything and everything, he just chooses not to.

Apparently your husband is over here at the moment.

A said...

Oh, and the end of a "why" loop is always "the universe"

Anonymous said...

1) Only Minibuses, coaches and buses (apart from those designed for urban use with standing passengers) first used on or after 1st October 2001 must have seat belts fitted by the manufacturer.

2) In general it's considered bad form to steal, obvious exceptions are; stationary from your place of employment and the Pick & Mix counter in Woolies.

3) He outsources to sweatshops in the Far East.

4) It's what Dad does best.

Shona said...

4. Max would say, "it's a bit like 'scorny'..."